Monday, July 6, 2009

New SmartHome Will Allow People With Developmental Disabilities to Be More Independent

BOULDER, CO -- 07/06/09 -- A special group of individuals with developmental disabilities will be celebrating their independence this July in a unique way -- by moving into a home that uses technology to allow them to live fuller and more independent lives.

In May, Imagine!, a private, not-for-profit corporation that has been providing supports for people who have developmental disabilities in order for them to lead fulfilling lives since 1963, completed construction on one of its most ambitious projects ever -- the development of the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder, CO. The Charles SmartHome provides permanent affordable housing for eight individuals with physical, cognitive, and developmental disabilities, and incorporates cutting edge technologies to improve the quality and efficiency of services and supports for the residents.

As the first such home in the nation, the Charles SmartHome will serve as a model for the future of residential care for people with cognitive disabilities. It will enhance the lives and independence of residents, augment the effectiveness of staff as caregivers, and provide cost and energy savings to Imagine!.

In addition, the SmartHome model has enormous potential to impact groups of people with related concerns (dementia, autism, chronic mental illness, and Alzheimer's), as the home will provide a testing ground for "SmartSupports" -- assistive technologies that can be used in family homes to keep individuals with developmental and cognitive disabilities living in their own homes for as long as possible.

The Charles SmartHome is the culmination of Imagine!'s years of research in the field of assistive technology, visits to demonstration sites in Oregon, Florida and Indiana, and extensive interface with the University of Colorado's Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities.

Construction on the Charles SmartHome was completed on May 15, and residents began moving in July 1. All eight residents will be moved in by the end of the month.

You can learn more about the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome by visiting

The SmartHome project was created and implemented by Imagine!, which provides support services to more than 2,500 Boulder and Broomfield County citizens of all ages with developmental delays and cognitive disabilities including autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and mental retardation. Learn more at

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