Friday, February 6, 2009

What Are You Watching On TV This Weekend?

How about checking out a new show on MTV called "How's Your News?" Without having seen the show, I can't say if it will be insulting or informative or possibly both, but it should certainly be interesting. To read more about it, check out this link to an article in the Washington Post

It airs at 10:30ET on Sunday night on MTV

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw a few minutes of "How's Your News?". It provides an opportunity for discussion regarding the intention of the the creators and broadcasters. Are they seeking to attract viewers? Of course.
Are they seeking to improve the level of dignity and social esteem for people with developmental disabilities? I don't know.
How will the broadcast effect the opinion of the General Public regarding people with developmental disabilities?
An optimist would say, it will help.
A cynic would say that they are using the attributes and conditions of the actors to capture an audience for solely financial gain. (Profit motive)
If the broadcasters start donating money to a variety of agencies then the optimists will be validated.